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Media Production and Broadcasting 

Film Festival


Never Again by Otto, David, Berend, Austin and Liam


In a rural town named Taunus, a group of students decided to wander around their school at 3am for a youtube video. As the students roam through the school and reach the end of a dark hallway at the point where no students are allowed, they hear strange noises coming from the vents. This all is too eerie for the students and they decide to go back to a safer place in the school and review the footage that they had captured. To their surprise, they caught something very odd on camera. It looked like 2 feet getting dragged away! After a discussion on what they saw and what they do next, they decide to go home. As they watch the news, there is a new headline - someone has gone missing in Taunus. After hearing the news, Brandon decides to avenge his friends. As he walks around the school, the lights flicker again. Something comes from behind and the story ends…. Or does it?

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The Shadow Man by Jasmine, Stephanie and Noor


Three Media students recently discovered that their friend, Bridget is missing. But they have a deadline to meet!! They continue to work on their project but can’t help wondering where she is. Racing against the clock they keep shooting while looking for their friend. After school, while Stephanie is editing, she notices something in the back of Lucy’s scene, a hand. When Lucy arrives they find their answer …. or do they?


The Imposter by Beza, Ipek, Monica, Lucy and Aidan


A killer has been on the loose, people have been going missing for a few weeks now and police still have no trace of the murderer. A friend of Three students goes missing and they go out looking for them in the woods at night and think they hear something bad. One by one they go missing until one is left with another friend ... or are they?

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The Valley by Chris, Ricky, Yared, Simon and Georg

The Valley is a horror movie about three kids who venture out into the woods during the night to film a movie for their Media class. However what they don’t expect is what they see and what happens to them next… Over the course of the movie some of the kids start to disappear. Ricardo eventually finds himself as the last survivor in the group. When he tries to tell other people about what happened no one believes him. He’s forced to find the killer himself and to do that he’ll have to go into The Valley.


The Unsolved Case by Olivia, Natalia, Sihan, YunSeo, YeonWoo and Jiesoo.

A group of friends heard a legend about two sisters who used to attend the school but were found murdered together in the school basement in 1997. A couple of friends decided to go on an adventure, to find out what really happened. One night they sneak into school and head down to the basement and find out what really happened .... or do they?


The Janitor by Kamau, Makai, Kai, Landon and Noah.

Two good friends decide to travel to their school after hours to explore the places they couldn’t with teachers around. They’re slightly creeped out by the vibe, as they feel they’re being watched, but shrug it off. The Janitor suddenly appears in front of them. The boys flees, managing to escape the Janitor… or do they?

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4 Minutes by Maxi, Ruben, Julius, Philipp, Josh and Jaden.

4 minutes is an action packed movie where time knows not boundaries and is running out. But our hero is running too. The presentation has to happen but the obstacles in the way are insurmountable. Against all odds he just makes it to the stage on time ....or does he?

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