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Video Production

Media Production & Broadcasting


This course will use a step-by-step, easy approach to learning; students will learn the latest in digital video, basic video camera techniques and concepts as well as editing using a variety of editing platforms and online presentation techniques including broadcasting.

Students will learn how to use video and audio equipment as well as how to edit, mix, and transmit media.

Students will complete projects such as extracurricular packages, classroom packages, public service announcements and other types of special features.

Course Introduction:

This class will provide you with some basic and advanced skills using up-to-date software. We will look at the world in an entirely different way.

Throughout the semester we will be exploring broadcast techniques using different self-guided learning units. These units will provide you with challenging information and exciting activities.

Every day digital media becomes more important as a means for receiving, producing, sharing, and broadcasting information. Tools and resources that were once the exclusive property of a few are now available to many more people. Tomorrow’s publishers, marketing people, and community leaders will need to know how to use digital media to persuade others and tell new and effective stories. Knowledge of the rules and grammar of movie production, broadcasting, and media presentation is a new powerful literacy.

Media production and broadcasting is about developing professional standards in making and presenting media to the school and wider community.

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