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How to Make a Short Film


In groups of a maximum of four, students will create from script to edited final film, a 4-5 minute short film.  Each student will have only ONE official role in the production (director, writer, cinematographer, sound designer/mixer, or editor).  Along with the film, each student will submit a journal (with rational and written commentary) of their experience in that role.  Students may do other things for the production, but can only be evaluated in one role.  For this assessment, there are several criteria that are assessed (lettered A to E).


A - Planning and Research  

This criterion is concerned with the documentation of production processes, from preliminary planning and research, pre-production, production and principal photography, through to post-production.

  • There is excellent planning for and research into the production processes. Documentation of the relevant development stages is comprehensive.


B Reflection and Evaluation

This criterion is concerned with artistic and logistical analysis of the relevant production processes and the evaluation in the individual student’s written commentary on the project as a whole, including the roles of the student and others (where appropriate).

  • There is a highly effective artistic and logistical analysis of the relevant production processes, with excellent critical  evaluation of the project as a whole.


C Professional and Technical Skills

This criterion is concerned with professional and technical skills (including organizational skills) that may be demonstrated during the production processes or in the finished product itself.

  • The student demonstrates excellent ability in the professional and technical skills (including organizational skills) necessary   for one principal production role, and makes highly effective use of available resources and technology.


D Effective Use of Film Language

This criterion is concerned with evidence of the student’s effective use of film language, as seen in the finished product.

  • The student demonstrates an excellent ability to communicate effectively in film language.


E Originality and Creativity

This criterion is concerned with originality and creativity in the film-making process (referred to as “creative intelligence” in the level descriptors below). This may be demonstrated by freshness of approach, by intelligent work that goes either with or against the conventions of the genre, or by problem solving.  Another key indicator is the level of audience engagement with the work. This criterion is intended to provide a holistic assessment of each student’s contribution to the finished film.

  • There is excellent evidence of creative intelligence in all aspects of the film-making process. The production engages audience interest with great success.



Free Play Music


Project Proposal.doc - This must be completed before any shooting can begin

Practical Production Outline.doc - the requirements sheet and due dates

What makes a good film opening.doc - a resource to help with your film opening

Production - You will be graded according to the following assessment criteria..doc - grading criteria

PRODUCTION_PORTFOLIO.pdf - an example of the supporting materials expected for a final piece

Creativity and the Short Film.doc - a resource for ideas and some guidance

media strattford short film.pdf - a short film project

The Panther with watermark.doc - maybe a poem will be the stimulus for a good short film






Eight Short Story Starters.docx

Questionnaires for Writing Character Profiles.docx




Story Styles that Rule the World

Children's stories


Produced by Don Pedro y Don Chaves


Chicks Are Weird.pdf - production wiki - Chicks are Weird Movie Development

De Ja Vu 2.pdf

The Wailings of a Teenage Hypochondriac (30 mins).doc

The Memory Painter.pdf

SINCLAIR: +49 177 255 8545 / STUDIO 161: +49 6171 2024 161 / PRODUCTION OFFICE: +49 6171 2024 332

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